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Björn Niggemann, Chief Quality Officer elected President of GQMA

As ELPRO customers know, quality is a core value that runs through every thread of our business. It’s with great pride we announce Björn Niggemann, CQO of ELPRO-BUCHS AG has been elected President of the German Quality Management Association e.V. (GQMA).

GQMA is the largest European quality management association in the field of chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The working groups of the society promote the exchange of views, are involved in the assessment of current topics in the respective fields of work and present the position of GQMA in publications. The association maintains intensive contacts with other QA companies and organizations, thus promotes cooperation at congresses and is also actively involved in the assessment/commenting of regulatory guidelines in the numerous GxP areas.

The GQMA has close to 1000 members - mainly from Germany, but also from Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain and even the USA. Members work in Research and Development Departments in industry, contract research organisations, central clinical laboratories, hospitals and government agencies.

For ELPRO, this is yet another sign that quality is deeply rooted in our DNA.

According to Niggemann, being in the lead of society is "a great sign and a proud task of being president of such a prestigious institution."

Furthermore, according to Niggemann, it is an important opportunity to be even closer to our customers and understand their needs regarding regulatory requirements.

"The networked knowledge from the specialist committees can be incorporated directly into future product developments and enables us to continue to have 100% compliant solutions available to our customers."